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Uploading Components

File Explorer

Expand the dark purple file explorer on the left by pressing the white arrow. From here you can click and drag on the edge to resize the file explorer to your liking.

Choose a directory

Press the folder icon at the top of the file explorer to open your file system. Choose the root directory of the project you want to pull components from.

Choose a file

You should see the files and subdirectories in your root directory in the file explorer. Find the component file you want to upload and click on it. Your component's Body and JSX will be injected into the code editors in the 'Edit Component' window.

Make edits

If your component depends on props, define them in the Body code editor. Make sure your component does not have any children elements in the JSX editor. If you want to include a child component, paste the code for that component in the JSX editor or define the component in the body editor.

Congrats! you have successfully uploaded a component. Feel free to edit it to your liking and compare changes by saving multiple versions with the 'Save Component' button.